Saturday, 18 June 2016


I feel upset having to write that title. I don't want to write it but I have to ask that question of you all.
Over the past few months i've read so many posts from people angry and upset that their favourite show has been cancelled. I've seen so many of you as passionate about the show as I am and wanting to do what they can to save the show. Sadly we're not seeing that same levels of support with the specific campaign events/projects.

As I started the petition, I have organically become the "leader" of this campaign. I've made some very good friends though this and have got a team of supporters and friends who have worked their butts off trying to do all they can to get the campaign progressing and spreading the word to all those millions of viewers who still don't know it's been axed.
I see regular names of those who post on Facebook and Twitter and I can't thank you all enough for the support you've given me and the campaign.

The reason I feel so disheartened today is the number of people who've posted that they love the show is far far higher than those who have posted that they've put posters up, have got signatures on printable sheets, have sent letters, have taken part in the twitterstorm etc....
I really do understand that people have very busy lives and that some will have many reasons for not being able to join in as much as others.
I just really hoped that we would have a bigger response to the campaign ideas that we share on a regular basis.

THE ONLY WAY we will convince another channel to save Home Fires is to all work together, as a team and make enough of a noise that they can't help but notice us. Right now we are barely making a whisper.

I truly understand that this past week has been one of such sadness around the world and in this country. Too many awful, shocking, devastating, cruel and evil things have gone on. It's sometimes hard to find enthusiasm for what many will view as a mundane issue. In the grand scheme of things a tv show is near the bottom of a list of what's really important in life, but it's also not pointless.
The reason I feel so strongly about this campaign though, is that we need more good in the world. We need more happiness. We need to have an emotional break away from too much sadness as it can overtake us all. The campaign may not have importance in relation to so many other things, but it's something that we could have some control over. It's something that if enough people got involved we could make a difference.

So, here I am again, on bended knee, asking you to help us.

If you did love the show and feel angry about how ITV has just dismissed it like it was nothing important, then please help us.
There were only 46 signatures on the petition yesterday. If this continues to fizzle out as it has done over the past few days then all the effort we've put in so far will be for nothing.

Before I add all the links to the ways in which you can help us, please watch this wonderful video and remind yourself of what we are fighting for: 

Every time I watch that video it not only upsets me but it makes me more determined to keep going. If it makes you feel the same then please help us in the following ways:

*We need more signatures on the petition! Please keep sharing on all social media platforms!

*Keep sharing the website. A lot of time and effort went into making it!

*print out posters and flyers and get them displayed in your local area 

*print out petition sheets to get offline signatures

*join in with the Letterstorm. I'll be giving a new "target" name and address each week on this blog for people to write to, to convince them to buy Home Fires.

*Twitterstorms. These have proven to be successful each week, with us making the trending lists. This then gets more people finding the campaign when they click on the hashtags to see what they mean. We now have a new hashtag to use each week and we'll let you know  with a few days to go each time of what the upcoming one is. This is so that we have more chance of trending so please don't use the new hashtag until the evening of the twitterstorm.


Keep sharing the petition and website links. We have to get more people aware of the campaign.

I really hope enough of you feel passionately enough to want to help. We really don't have any chance of saving this show if we don't have enough of you joining Team Home Fires!

I'll leave you with this brilliant campaign song, written by the wonderful Geraldine Pointing from Spain. It's the perfect example of how much she cares about the show! Thank you so much for your time and effort Geraldine xxx

Home Fires, call to arms



  1. Oh Kerryn,:-( I'm still with this 100% Ive put posters up(and they are still up around the village)I keep checking the viewing stats on preloved and gumtree and they are getting views.I wish I knew someone in the media! the old adage,its not what you know,but who you know is very true.The fact that schools recommend it as a resource for year 9/10 history student speaks volumes.Could we all try and bombard twitter and tweet Geraldines amazing youtube video/song (karen S)

    1. Thank you Karen! I know, we really need to keep getting the word out there. We certainly are sharing Geraldine's brilliant song and video! x

  2. Sadly Kerryn, I think maybe people assume its a lost cause. I think if another channel were going to take it on they would have done so by now. ITV wont change their minds and eventually all the cast will have find new contracts so sadly they wont be available. The Actors and Actresses just cant hang around waiting for a channel to "maybe" take Homefires on . They have mortgages to pay and money needs to be earnt.

    1. Hi Rosie. Of course I know that the cast and crew need to get other work now. That doesn't mean they won't want to do another series if they can in the future. They all love the show and i've been told by someone in the know that most of them would prioritise the show if it was ever to be saved.

      I'm sure some people will think it's a lost cause, but many more won't. It's still too early to just accept defeat and if we have enough people supporting the campaign, it'll show tv channels that we won't just go away quietly.
      ITV won't change their minds, no, which is why we've been trying to get more people on board to try to convince another channel.

      If everyone just gave up at the first hurdle then no one would succeed in anything, so I'm hoping that enough people care enough to want to fight on. xx
