Saturday, 2 July 2016

Role call

Hello Homies!

I want to start by saying a huge 


to all who have donated towards our campaign costs. We are so so touched and grateful for such brilliant support! It really is a lovely community we are building here xxxx

Total costs so far (as in previous post) was £132.07 and we've received £120 in donations so far, so we only need £12.07 covered now.

As explained before we are working on a few things that may need a little extra donated, but we are keeping costs to a minimum.


I also want to say a big thank you to all who are sharing news of the campaign and the petition! We had another successful day on the petition yesterday with 101 new signatures, so it's heartwarming to see that we are getting new supporters on a daily basis.
We really are showing these tv companies that they must not under estimate their viewers! 


Ok, now on to the role call.

Please can you let me know (either on the comments below, on my twitter (@monkeykezza) or on the save home fires official campaign Facebook group) who has put up our posters and how many.
I also need to know who has sent a letter to the drama channel (Letterstorm 2) (when you have sent them), so we can keep a tally of how many people are joining in, as if we don't get enough, then it won't be something we can continue with, as 10 letters won't have the same impact as 100 letters would.

Please, if you can, do try to join in with the Letterstorms and Twitterstorms. There really is power in numbers and for this campaign to succeed we need as many of you as possible helping us!
If we could get even 100 of you from the 30,000 people who have signed the petition, on Twitter on a Sunday night, then we'd get #savehomefires trending much higher, which then means more people see it when they click on the hashtag to see what it's all about!
So if you haven't yet joined in with the Twitterstorm, will you consider coming and helping us on Sunday? Pretty please with cherries on top?? ;-) If you have any questions about how it all works, just give us a shout on the official Facebook group and we'll be more than happy to help you. 


Poster competition

Don't forget that we have this limited edition 1940's style print up for grabs! This was designed with this campaign in mind by  on Etsy.
We've extended the deadline so that more of you can get some posters up in your local areas.
To win, all you need to do is put up a poster/posters in local shops, cafes, antique shops, churches, village halls, local age concern centres, your car windows or even car boot sales!
You'll then have your name entered and we'll pick a winner from all who have joined in. 
Posters and flyers can be downloaded here:

Posters and flyers



Again, this coming Sunday evening, us Homies will be meeting up on Twitter, between 9-10pm (to coincide with the time Home Fires was broadcast) to tweet as many tweets as possible about why we love the show, why we want it saved and sharing the petition and website link. We share many photos and sometimes have a few cast members joining us.

Each week, we now use a different hastag (as this increases the chance of us trending) and we ask that you use the given hashtag ONLY AT THE TWITTERSTORM and in every tweet you make. 


I'm going to leave you all with a piece from Jambusters, on which Home Fires was based on, by Julie Summers.

The WI played a big part in getting the government to agree to free milk for children:

Lady Denman made a good point here! "It was always possible for one letter to be overlooked, whereas fifty were bound to receive attention".

This so apt for our campaign and I know if Lady Denman was around now, she'd be a part of this and she'd be urging as many of you as possible to send letters for our Letterstorms. Power in numbers!! 


  1. Inspiring stuff as ever. I am absolutely behind the letter campaign and do urge people to write if poss. Good luck this weekend x

  2. Inspiring stuff as ever. I am absolutely behind the letter campaign and do urge people to write if poss. Good luck this weekend x
